6 Way’s To Incorporate Permanent Jewelry Into Your Life.

They say business isn’t personal, but in my case, it is (in the best way possible!). A bit about me—I started my business because I wanted to help people create memories with friends/family, smile and live life outside the box.  Life sometimes gets overwhelming or stressful and it’s nice to have something to look forward to, or memories to look back on. Savannah Laine & Co was that “something to look forward to” for me and I’m hopeful that it can be part of the “memories to look back on” for you! I love to help bring joy in to the lives of those around me and my business gives me that ability. Each event I attend carries it’s own memories and I know it does the same for those who attend, too.

Some of the fun ways you can incorporate permanent jewelry into your daily lives are;

  • birthday parties

  • bridal showers

  • business events

  • bachelorette parties

  • baby showers

  • wedding day festivities

    I also carry necklaces, ring and earrings. I have so much fun at each and every event I attend and it’s so special for me to be a part of it all! Are you interested in starting your very own permanent jewelry journey? Now you know a few fun ways to incorporate this amazing trend into your life! How will you create memories with your loved ones this year?

XO - Savannah

Savannah Patrone

Permanent jewelry artist, maker and creative.


3 Things You Can Expect From Me When It Comes To Permanent Jewelry